class section:
- (6 points) Install CentOS on your workstation. Configure internet access according to the instructor, and get instructor sign-off.
- (3 points) Configure the printer, so that you can print from your workstation. Get Instructor sign-off (ISO)
Basic navigation commands
- What command will show the current directory?
- What command will list the contents of the current directory?
- What command will delete a file?
the vi editor
- what are four keystrokes that will move a user from command to insert mode?
- What keystroke will move a user from insert to command mode?
- in command mode, what keystroke will delete a character?
- in command mode, what is the command to delete a word?
- what command will copy the current line into the buffer?
- what keystroke will paste the contents of the buffer to the line AFTER the cursor?
- what keystroke will paste the contents of the buffer to the line BEFORE the cursor?
- starting in command mode, how would a user save the current file?
- how would a user save and quit in a single command?
- how would a user quit from vi WITHOUT saving changes?
- (3 points) Login to your production server and change your password.
Extra Credit: (2 points) Figure out how to permanently change your workstation's hostname from 'rtfm' to whatever you would like. profanity and racial epithets are not permitted.