
class section:

  1. What are the IP addresses of your system's Domain Name Servers?
  2. In what file did you find the answer to the previous question?
  3. What command will list off all your active routes?
  4. (5 points) Set up an entry in /etc/hosts for every active machine in the class. Use the appropriate student's name for each machine. If you don't know that student's name, ask them. Get ISO.
  5. Show the syntax of the command to ping the instructor's machine exactly 9 times:
  6. Using traceroute, determine how many hops there are between you and your primary DNS:
  7. Show the syntax of the command to send pings as fast as possible:
  8. Show the syntax of the command to send a total of 12 pings, one every 5 seconds:
  9. (3 points) Reset your IP address to be a static IP as assigned by the instructor. Also, establish your default route. What commands did you use to do so? Get ISO.
  10. Now, without rebooting, go back to having a dynamic IP address. What command(s) did you run?
  11. (2 points) show the command to connect directly to the SMTP server at the instructor's workstation, without using a mail client:
  12. (2 points) What is a ping-of-death?
  13. What type of packet is used for pings?
  14. What is the primary difference between TCP and UDP packets?
  15. What program serves as a sort of switchboard operator for many network services?
  16. What RFC originally specified the language of SMTP?
  17. What is the name of the file which controls default configuration of your primary ethernet card? (eth0)
  18. What is netcat? Do not use the term 'swiss army knife' in your description.