class section:
- What are the IP addresses of your system's Domain Name Servers?
- In what file did you find the answer to the previous question?
- What command will list off all your active routes?
- (5 points) Set up an entry in /etc/hosts for every active machine in the class. Use the appropriate student's name for each machine. If you don't know that student's name, ask them. Get ISO.
- Show the syntax of the command to ping the instructor's machine exactly 9 times:
- Using traceroute, determine how many hops there are between you and your primary DNS:
- Show the syntax of the command to send pings as fast as possible:
- Show the syntax of the command to send a total of 12 pings, one every 5 seconds:
- (3 points) Reset your IP address to be a static IP as assigned by the instructor. Also, establish your default route. What commands did you use to do so? Get ISO.
- Now, without rebooting, go back to having a dynamic IP address. What command(s) did you run?
- (2 points) show the command to connect directly to the SMTP server at the instructor's workstation, without using a mail client:
- (2 points) What is a ping-of-death?
- What type of packet is used for pings?
- What is the primary difference between TCP and UDP packets?
- What program serves as a sort of switchboard operator for many network services?
- What RFC originally specified the language of SMTP?
- What is the name of the file which controls default configuration of your primary ethernet card? (eth0)
- What is netcat? Do not use the term 'swiss army knife' in your description.