Hennepin Technical College
Course Syllabus 1/15/2008
Computer Careers
CCIS1121 Linux Admin 1

Instructor: Jeremy Anderson
Phone: 763.488.xxxx (no longer available -- send github issue)
Fax: 763.488.xxxx (no longer available -- send github issue)

E-mail address: [ redacted -- just file an issue with the github repo ]

Text and References

The text for this course is Linux Administration, A beginner's guide, Fourth Edition, by Steve Shah and Wale Soyinka. ISBN 0-07-226259-1. In addition to the text, the class is supplemented by online materials, as spelled out in the syllabus.

Special Course Requirements

Students who have not taken the prerequisite course(s) are responsible for obtaining permission from the instructor to register for advanced coursework requiring those prerequisites. Students are required to read, sign and date an Internet policy.


All students in Computer Careers courses will sign an Internet Policy form, reminding them of the consequences of inappropriate actions while using the Internet.

Instructional Methods

Student responsibilities include regular attendance, punctuality, positive relationships with other students and staff, appropriate behavior and attitude and acceptable progress.

All assignments are listed on the syllabus. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that assignments are complete and given to the instructor when due. Assignments will be accepted before they are due, but may not be graded immediately.

See Late Work Policy below.

To do well in this course, you should attend lectures, complete your assignments, review the lecture presentations and your own notes. Check the class website: http://ccis1121.linux-classes.com/ If you need assistance, ask the instructor for help.

Course Scheduling

The scheduled hours of instruction include sixteen hours for each lecture credit. Lecture credit may include formal or impromptu lectures, demonstrations or discussions with the entire class or with small groups or individuals.

Course Calendar

Please note that all reading assignments should be completed before the class for which they are listed, with the exception of the first week's reading assignment.
Week Topics Covered Reading Labs/Homework
1 Overview of course
Workstation configuration
Introduction to technology used in course
editing files
Introduction and Chapters 1 & 2 of text
Pages 134 & 135 of text
History of Linux
Vi lover's home page
vi quick reference card
Mastering the vi editor
Lab for week 1
2 User accounts, groups, file permissions Chapters 4 & 5 of text
Dave Eisenberg's permissions tutorial
Using ls

A quick-reference of Unix/Linux commands
A quick-ref list of user management commands
A quick-ref type guide to the Linux directory structure
Lab for week 2
3 Advanced command line tools Chapter 5 of text
An excerpt from learning the unix operating system
sudo main page
wikipedia page on sudo
the find command
GNU file utilities
Lab for week 3
4 System startup and shutdown, boot loaders Chapter 6 of text, pages 187-189
Linux System Startup
yolinux's boot tutorial
A little about chkconfig
Linux Forum on shutdown
Lab for week 4
5 Test 1  
6 Processes, system resources Pages 122, 124, 127-132, Chapter 10, pages 339-340 in text
process-related commands
Vast quantities of information on how processes actually live and die
An article on the /proc filesystem
Redhat's take on /proc
Virtual memory and vmstat
More advanced CPU usage monitoring
the free command
Lab for week 6
7 scheduling jobs, software compilation and installation Chapter 3, pages 204-207 in text
intro to cron
Wikipedia's take on crontab
wikipedia's take on at
overview of RPM
some things you can do with rpm
Using YUM
man page for yum
Lab for week 7
8 Kernel and module management, logfile analysis Pages 199-204, chapter 9 in text
IBM's take on system log files
linux home networking's page on logfiles -- very indepth
what _is_ syslog?
Lab for week 8
9 networking, services Chapter 11 & 12 in text
A nice overview of ethernet
an explanation of TCP and UDP
pin-outs and ethernet
A nice article on xinetd
Chapter 5 of the Linux Network Administrators Guide
Lab for week 9
10 Test 2  
11 Shell scripting, part one University of Iowa's reference/link page
The Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial: A beginner's handbook
An introduction to BASH scripting
Ben Okopnik's introduction to BASH scripting
Lab for week 11
12 Shell scripting, part two Continue previous week's reading Lab for week 12
13 Encryption To Be Announced Lab for week 13
14 System Security: System integrity Chapters 14 & 15 in text
Lab for week 14
15 Final Test  


Letter grades of A, B, C, D or F will be used in this course as an evaluation of student performance, unless otherwise arranged at the time of registration.

A - performance greatly exceeds course requirements
B - performance surpasses course requirements
C - performance meets course requirements
D - performance is somewhat below course requirements
F - performance is unsatisfactory

Grade intervals for this course are as follows:

A: 100-90% B: 89-80% C: 79-70% D: 69-60% F: less than 60%

Grades will be based upon assignments, quizzes and exams:
Assignment type Point Value
Labs 300
Test 1 100
Test 2 100
Final Test 150


Last Date to Withdraw from a Course

Students may drop a course at any time during the semester except during the last ten school days of the semester excluding Saturdays. If a course has concluded, a drop will not be allowed.

Late Assignment Procedure

Assignments are due at the beginning of the next class. No late assignments will be accepted.

Testing Procedures

All course examinations are required. Students who are absent from an exam must make arrangements with the instructor before the exam period and schedule a make-up exam within one week. Students will be assigned to a make-up exam period during the daily 5-6 p.m. open lab in H124/125. Unless otherwise noted, all exams for this class are open note, open book, open server.

Academic Misconduct

Cheating will not be tolerated! If you are perceived to be cheating, you will be asked to surrender all testing materials and leave immediately without incident. Disciplinary sanctions may be forthcoming in accordance with the college misconduct policy.


An expected outcome for this class that each student will promote and exhibit personal, professional and academic ethics. The following observable characteristics will be assessed:
  1. Demonstrate respect for others.
  2. Accept responsibility for one's own actions.
  3. Display honesty and integrity.
  4. Understand and apply the ethical standards consistent with one's work environment.

Tools and Supplies

No specific supplies are required for this course, though most students will find it helpful to take notes.

Classroom / Lab / Shop Restrictions

Children are not allowed in the classroom or lab area. Safety and health procedure, as outlined by the instructor, are in effect at all times.

Support Services

Students and prospective students are encouraged to consult with counselors on any academic or personal concerns. Counseling services include career information, advising, determination of major, selection of courses, Career Development Services, referral to the Disability Services Coordinator and personal counseling. For more information about Computer Careers, contact Gini Beran, at (763) 550-2115.

As a student at Hennepin Technical College, you may be interested in accessing the services offered through the Learning Resource Center. The Learning Resource Center provides a positive learning environment for all students in technical college programs. Rooms G214-G218

Open Computer Labs are available at the Brooklyn Park (C106) and Eden Prairie Campus (D115) with hours posted on the doors. As stated in the HTC student handbook, all students who want to use the computer labs need to have a valid college I.D. and need to sign in when entering the lab. There are 20 PC's, and 10 MAC's at each campus. A list of available software is available in the lab.

All students are encouraged to activate their student e-mail account through metnet. Using a valid student id card check out: www.metnet.edu to initialize your account.